⭐Hershey's Underground ⭐

⭐Lala Fightclub⭐

[Certified OCE BRANCH]
BY Lala Lala Maid Cafe

Register now!

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⭐Accepting preregisters for our June 6th Event
⭐Please see the form below and we will organize you into a section.
⭐ If you are not registered, we will not be prioritizing you.
⭐If you are not on the roster on the day, we will be opening special times where the fights will be crowd-picked.
⭐ These will also account for no-shows or late arrivals where the crowd is the sub.
⭐Late arrivals will be either: rescheduled to a later slot or be replaced by a crowd member.

Rules/How to Play

Main Game

Both fighters will begin with 20 Hit Points (HP) assigned to them.
They begin by rolling /random 5, the higher roll wins and does that damage to the opponent's HP; For example, Fighter 1 (F1) rolls 4 while Fighter 2 (F2) rolls 3, the HP will be F1:20 F2:16.
⭐If the rolls are equal then both fighters lose that amount, for example, both fighters now roll 2, F1:18 F2:14.
⭐Between rounds of dice rolling, the round-winning fighter will be required to perform Attack actions on the opponent, with the round-losing fighter performing damage-taking emotes.
Once a fighter's HP has dropped to 0 or below, they are in a state of Knock Out (KO).

KO/Sudden Death System

The fighters are allowed 3 KO's and will roll /random 10 to get back into the fight.
⭐In the first KO the fighter must land a 3 or more to recover, in the second KO they require 6 or more, and in the third 8 or more.
⭐If the player is successful in recovering from a KO they return each time with 10 HP.
⭐For example after several rounds the score is F1:6 F2:0; F2 is playing dead and rolls /random 10 and scores a 4. A new fight round begins with the scores now F1:6 F2:10
If F2 HP once again reaches 0, then during the KO phase they must now roll /random 10 and score 6 or more to recover, and 8 or more in the 3rd KO.
⭐If both fighters have reached 3 KO phases and both fail the recovery roll, then the fight enters Sudden Death. Both fighters will revive with 1 HP each, if each fighter rolls equal Sudden Death continues until a winning roll is defined.

betting System to be announced